Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Yellow fever shots, preaching/singing appts, etc!

Receiving the yellow fever immunization was uneventful, then the joint aches showed up the next day. Still waiting for our visas . . . in the meantime trying to sort through books and photos - oh the memories - shedding a few tears. Not sorry to see the apartment getting emptier. Another step toward Chad.
September was fully booked with singing appointments, and Kel will preach end of the month.
The Lord is so good to us, giving us the energy we need every day. He will be with us always! Claim His promises and watch things happen!


  1. Keeping you both in our prayers! Keep us updated as to your departure date!
    Take care! God's blessings & love from us,
    Dawn and Ray.

  2. Hello Josie and Kel! I'm so glad I happened to hear about your mission to Chad. How wonderful! I know the Lord will bless you! What exactly will you be doing there?

    Blessing on your journey,
    Kimberly Schlangen
