Monday, September 19, 2011

Summer is Ending

Well, here we are in September already! Time flies - we've not been updating our blog like we should have been doing. Sorry for the delay. However, we've been quite busy - Josie has had several singing appointments (one of which took us to West Virginia and another to Virginia in June. We met up with the Hospital Director from Bere at a Camp Meeting in Virginia. He and his wife were back Stateside visiting family, and their new baby was also born during the home visit. The two of them have become friends and associates of ours). Josie has also made CD sales as we've travelled. We have also been to several churches of other denominations, where Josie has been invited to sing - God has beautiful people in the different churches, and it has been a blessing to also share with all the believers some news of our mission trip and show some photographs at the same time. We have received awesome support and prayers.
Kel has been busy this summer with design and drawings of the finishes to the airplane hangar, as well as making a construction drawing of a proposed new duplex residence for GMI staff. We need accomodation for the volunteers that come to help us on the mission.
Before we left Chad in May, the Hospital director approached Kel and asked him if he would assist with the design and drawing of a 20-year Master Plan for the Hospital. This he was glad to do, and has spent a chunk of time this summer, assisted by Brett, who is a proficient AutoCAD Technician, making drawings of the Hospital Site Plan, the new Private Ward, new Surgery Building, new Maternity Ward and a new Residence for additional doctor. It's been an awesome journey, as well as a fulfilled dream for Kel to use his design talents for the Lord's work on earth.
A new project in Malawi has also been crying out for attention, and Kel has offered to assess the structural integrity of the existing buildings on this campus.
Josie has also spent many hours this summer on her hobby: sewing & dressmaking. She has sewed some incredible dresses for her friends, as well as for the needy children of Chad. She hopes to publish some of the dressmaking miracles in a future blog.
Plans are to return to Chad in the next couple of months and complete the projects started, as well as start some new ones. Keep all the missionaries in your prayers.
We hope this finds you encouraged in the Lord Jesus, and confident of His help and presence in your lives. Keep courage! God is good.
Kel & Josie